Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kate's Story

Kate was born in April 2009. Over the first year of her life she was very healthy. When she turned one and began eating more and more solid food however, something changed. She sort of stopped growing, and began thinning out. On occasion I noticed she had a distended tummy. She was a very happy little toddler, but would sometimes get fussy for seemingly no reason. Then the blow-outs started. Over the course of two months she went from one bowel movement (BM) a day to six BMs a day. I'm not talking little ones, either. I'm talking the massive blowouts where you had to change her clothes and sometimes wash her in the tub. She ate constantly. It was obvious the food was running straight through to her huggies. She even began to look unhealthy and would catch every bug that was going around. We talked to our Pediatrician (who happens to be my dad), after talking through a few possibilities and decided to try a gluten free diet. The first day gluten free she didn't have BM. From six to none! The next day she had the first solid BM in months. It was a pretty straight forward answer. This was October 2010. Nearly a year later Kate is growing like crazy! She is healthy and happy. Gluten free is definitely worth it.